Trench mouth is a type of gingivitis (infection of the gums), which is characterized by severe pain, bleeding of the gums, infection, and ulcers. This condition is not usually seen in our part of the world but is common in the developing nations because of poverty, malnutrition and unhygienic practices.
Trench mouth was so named because it was very common in soldiers during World War I when they lived in trenches for long duration’s and were not able to maintain dental hygiene. The other name of Trench mouth is necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
Although the condition is not contagious but the symptoms become progressively severe and the dentist should be consulted as soon as possible. All types of gum infections are serious, painful and destructive conditions that may cause damage to bony tissues and loss of teeth if not treated. Therefore, early treatment can prevent the progression of the disease and loss of teeth.
Normally, the mouth harbors many types of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and fungi. Under normal circumstances, these microorganisms remain in control and do not produce any disease. When the immune system weakens, these bacteria increase their population and cause infection and disease. If the infection involves the gums, the condition of trench mouth can occur that destroys the gums. The gums are very painful with bleeding ulcers. The exact mechanism of destruction of gums and other tissues is not known but it is believed that the toxins and enzymes produced by the bacteria are responsible for this.
Some factors that can increase the risk of trench mouth are listed below: